Posted inExcel
Feedback collection
2 years ago
Please provide an option to set the default paste behavior in Excel
Last edited by The Microsoft Feedback Team 2 years ago
When you paste in Excel, by pressing Ctrl+V or pressing the Paste button, Excel pastes everything about the cell, including the value or formula, number formatting, cell formatting, data validation, and conditional formatting. However, it's often desirable to use one of the other paste options, such as Paste Values or Paste Formulas in case you don't want all the formatting that goes along with it. This request is to provide an option so that we can choose which paste behavior is the default.
We're looking into this
We're looking into this
Official Microsoft response
Steve K.
Official Microsoft response
2 years agoThis is a great suggestion, and we want to keep the interest going. Thanks to everyone who has already voted and commented on the suggestion to have an option for the default paste behavior in Excel.